FYP Fanzine issue 54 now sold out but you can buy an e-copy for £1

Written by FYP Fanzine

We're delighted to announce the latest issue of FYP Fanzine is here!

And as per it's absolutely packed with the latest Palace opinions, interviews and more. In issue 54 there is...

  • An exclusive  interview from Perth with Tony Popovic
  • A feature with Matt Woosnam from The Athletic
  • Palace fans across Europe
  • Differing views on how the season is going, including: 1) Is Roy one of our greatest managers ever? 2) Has he been let down by Steve Parish and the other owners? 3) Is watching Palace this season like pulling teeth?
  • And more! 

We sold out of all paper copies of issue 54 against Sheffield United but there is an infinte number of downloadable PDF copies availabe for £1.

Click here to buy a copy for £1

